Ottawa The Great – A Historical Love Letter to Our City

Join us for a night of history, music, and celebration. Ottawa the Great, A love letter to our City looks to celebrate the history and heritage of our city while sharing interesting tales and moments.

Ottawa the Great will feature two historians, Christine Landry Matamoros and David C. Martin who will share the tales of a moment and people in our city’s history. Musician and local historian Paul Weber will provide music before and between the presentations.

Join us on:

  • When: Thursday, February 22 2024, at 7:00 PM Event Start time
  • Where: Beechwood National Memorial Centre 280 Beechwood Avenue, Ottawa Ontario

Following the presentations, light refreshments and desserts will be served.

This event is hosted in partnership with the Capital Heritage Connexion. 

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  • Paul Weber is a bilingual singer-songwriter, guitarist, storyteller and video documentary maker who has performed across Canada in various incarnations. Paul believes we need to tell our own stories; stories that sometimes don't get told.